Wednesday's News
by Danae Younge

A celebrity drowned in serenity,
& I cannot unread it.

Her boat quivered from lifted weight
when she dove into a mid-day swim.

They found her 4-year-old son alone,
pontoon roped down by his gaze
to the murk as

a torrid throat dispensed
crisp photographs—
sapphire usurping her complexion
& furtive devils donning basic masks,
translucent spheres atop her scalp
before collapsing flat,
exposing her cold as film.

Sitting in my room,
I can’t help but feel the ellipses
bubbling up a neutral corn silk
hue from the trellis

as the wallpaper curls in,
as the wooden skeleton plots
to birth another.

About the Author

Danae Younge is a biracial writer currently pursuing a BA in English with a creative writing track at Occidental College. Her work is published and forthcoming in Pulp Poets Press, Vita Brevis Magazine, Palette Point, Susquehanna Review, Rogue Agent Journal, Mason Street Magazine, and others. She was a national winner selected by the Live Poets Society of New Jersey and placed third in the It’s All Write international poetry competition. You can read more of Danae’s writing at and follow her on Instagram: @danae_celeste_

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