by Mattie Richards

Phosphorus orange
The puddles on the street shine
A violent stab of color
Amongst greys and shadows
Boots disturb the settled rain
Scattering light

Darting glances across empty streets,
A stark silence
Leaving room for things to escalate
Blood pumping in the brain,
Pounding the temples
Tipsy thoughts scream
Eyes tearing up in orange
Phosphorus glow

Lost in the bleeding refracted light
My head is saturated
Like the streetlights looking condescendingly down
Overcrowding my personal space
Hands cramping against the stifling air
A numbness which burns
A cold that makes your lip snarl
The moon, an operating theatre light
Over my iodine soaked skin
Entering my bloodstream

My eyes are tired
Sick of it,
Until I can take these thoughts off
And bathe in the darkness of my bedroom,
In heavy silence
When will I stop counting events?
And obsessing over
What I said
Not knowing where to stop

About the Author

Mattie Richards is a recent music graduate currently focusing on singing, show development, and releasing a music review blog called Chime Out.

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