pretty things skinny things
by Jaiden Thompson

friend melted lipstick into holy water; she asked me to insert the needle
in her and when i poured it into a vase instead like sticky pink wine i said
pretty thing pretty thing please stop being their thing; we toasted;

two years later she’s a skinny thing skinny thing; no bones;
only bright marrow; that’s all she digests nowadays you see;
gotta be a pretty thing pretty thing; she’s a sickly parrot;

she tells me i’m a pretty thing pretty thing; that’s not true
but i say skinny thing skinny thing let me birth you bones
though you’ve never been an eve i will be your adam;

and i peel back flesh; slice my plumpest rib so softly;
i tell her skinny thing skinny thing feel no shame;
this is no rebirth but your body will be anew;

for a skinny thing skinny thing she was rather ample;
i soar through her body looking for a lovely nest;
skinny thing skinny thing i’ll make you whole again;

but she is still a skinny thing skinny thing with new bone;
and when her family smells my collagen they thrashed her; 
hard; oh god that hurt; they break my rib like her;

oh but now i’m a pretty thing pretty thing! glorious!
skinny things are pretty things! thus i am such a 
prettythingprettythingprettythingprettything thing


About the Author

Jaiden is a young writer from Washington state, looking for their soul through writing verse and prose on occasion. As a raging member of the LGBT community, their poems more than often venture into queer themes and concepts. Other motifs within their writing include religion/mythology, racism, and the struggles of adolescence. Occasionally, they post some of their writing on their instagram (@a_poets_entrails).

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